Thirsty Strangers, Effective Networking, Adrenaline Surges, and More in Process Hacker News

Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got thirsty strangers, effective networking, adrenaline surges, and more.

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Join Rhonda Magee and other mindfulness leaders at The Cradle of Humankind from March 22 to 25 for the Institute for Mindfulness South Africa’s second Mindfulness Conference 2019. The gathering aims to explore ways of using mindfulness in our unique local environment.

Catch Omar Zenhom and the rest of the speakers at MicroConf Started Edition from March 26 to 28 at the Tropicana Resort in Las Vegas. MicroConf: Started Edition is a conference designed to help digital products startup founders.

From London to Los Angeles, see who’s open to meeting you over tea. Better yet, host your own tea party! Tea with Strangers was created by Ankit Shah to help people network and be more understanding of the “strangers” around us.


Use LinkedIn to grow your business! Check out Jason Hsiao’s interview on Thrive Global to find out how.

Tune in to a conversation between host Tom Morkes and David Burkus, an associate professor and bestselling author, to learn the value of networking and know how to grow your business by leveraging friends of friends.


Register for your copy of the first edition of Marketing Missfits ebook, which shines a spotlight on female entrepreneurs, including Tara Hunt, who shares her business journey and some career advice.

In an interview with Business 2 Community, Steve Goldbach explains why companies should get rid of their known best practices to gain an advantage over competitors.

Recommended Resources

Tristan Kromer, mentioned by Rich Mironov explains customer development’s fight or flight response, a deeply ingrained reaction that we have when faced with conflict, and he recommends we use that adrenaline surge from fear to provide solutions.

In Chicago on April 26, the National Achievers Congress holds a one-day power-packed event to help entrepreneurs discover some tips and strategies from some of the biggest speakers in the industry, including Gary Vaynerchuk and Tony Robbins. Gary V was a huge influence on Malek Banoun and Tara Hunt, while Tony made an impact on Adam Siddiq, Byron Morrison, and Luis Congdon.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.

Published by M. David Green

The host of Hack the Process, M. David Green is a writer and agile coach.

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