Brian Solis Digs Into the Social Media Roots of Our Discontent on Hack the Process Podcast

Your unhappiness might have a pricetag, and the free social media you use could be the ones ringing the cash register. That’s one of the modern cultural phenomena writer, speaker, and digital anthropologist Brian Solis recognized while writing his latest book, “Lifescale: How to live a more creative, productive, and happy life.” In this episode… Continue reading Brian Solis Digs Into the Social Media Roots of Our Discontent on Hack the Process Podcast

Safi Bahcall Applies Theoretical Physics to Innovation on Hack the Process Podcast

When cooling water suddenly becomes ice, that’s a phase transition, and the same kind of thing can happen when the people in an organization go from working as individuals to working as a team. Safi Bahcall’s new book, Loonshots, explains how to recognize these patterns and how to incentivize them. In this episode of Hack… Continue reading Safi Bahcall Applies Theoretical Physics to Innovation on Hack the Process Podcast

Gender Equality Isn’t Just for Women with Michael Kaufman on Hack the Process Podcast

Michael Kaufman traces the contemporary movement for gender equality back to the Women’s Suffrage efforts in the late 19th century, but only since the the 1980s have men started to join the cause in large numbers. His international white ribbon campaign has been raising awareness about violence against women since 1991, and his latest book,… Continue reading Gender Equality Isn’t Just for Women with Michael Kaufman on Hack the Process Podcast

Using Lean Thinking for Social Impact with Ann Mei Chang on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 69

The lean startup methodology shifted the way many companies think about business by encouraging hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning. But can the same concepts be applied to social impact organizations? Author Ann Mei Chang thinks it is essential, and her decades of experience as a Silicon Valley executive and Chief Innovation Officer at USAID led her to write her new book on the subject, Lean Impact. In this episode of Hack the Process Ann Mei shares how she used data to evolve and scale USAID’s social programs, what role her network played in developing the ideas in her book, and why she decided to focus on fixing the systems of social giving instead of devoting her time to one particular cause.

Confidently Growing Your Business with Tiffani Bova on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 67

Growth is usually the goal for any business, but what does growth mean to you, and how much are you willing to change in order to achieve it? Tiffani Bova has spent a career studying growth in companies large and small, going from being an analyst at Gartner to becoming the global customer growth and… Continue reading Confidently Growing Your Business with Tiffani Bova on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 67