Using Lean Thinking for Social Impact with Ann Mei Chang on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 69

The lean startup methodology shifted the way many companies think about business by encouraging hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning. But can the same concepts be applied to social impact organizations? Author Ann Mei Chang thinks it is essential, and her decades of experience as a Silicon Valley executive and Chief Innovation Officer at USAID led her to write her new book on the subject, Lean Impact. In this episode of Hack the Process Ann Mei shares how she used data to evolve and scale USAID’s social programs, what role her network played in developing the ideas in her book, and why she decided to focus on fixing the systems of social giving instead of devoting her time to one particular cause.

Balancing Activism, Privilege, and Social Media with Frank Strona on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 43

Frank Strona is a public health advisor for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who served on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues in 2016. He also runs a private consultancy called MentorSF, where he teaches clients of all generations how to use social media to share their personal stories and… Continue reading Balancing Activism, Privilege, and Social Media with Frank Strona on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 43