Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green.
This is the 35th episode of Process Hacker News, and the 100th episode of Hack the Process since the podcast launched, and I’m grateful to have a loyal tribe of regular listeners like you!
This week we’ve got mindful arts, meta-therapy, monetizing Facebook, and more. Enjoy!
Now is the time to preorder Andrew Nance’s new book, Mindful Arts in the Classroom, which comes out in August!
Congratulations on your wedding, Carter Thomas! Carter is also back on Coin Mastery this week, reviewing the latest trends in Bitcoin pricing and altcoin liquidity.
To celebrate Acuity’s twelfth birthday, they’re giving away one month of their scheduling service for free! Gavin Zuchlinski and the rest of his team guides you on how to win in their scavenger hunt.
Sasha Ariel Alston was listed as one of five inspiring young women leading the way in STEM in an article by RYOT Studio on Huffington Post. Great job, Sasha!
Learn about the concept of MVB (Minimum Viable Brand) as Andy Snuggs explains why your brand is the key to unlocking your growth on The Famous Business Podcast, hosted by Alistair Clay, the latest Hack the Process guest.
Your brand can help you or hurt you. Watch as Kesha Moore helps you identify potential problems and suggests ways to address them.
On the Bare Naked Bravery Podcast, Jon de Waal shares how to find your purpose in the midst of transition.
Mark Silver goes on the Awarepreneurs Podcast to shed light on the issue of business models and pricing.
Aside from the usual chit-chat about The Sims, listen as Kyeli and Pace Smith discuss the struggle of determinism versus free will on the lastest episode of their podcast, The Dervish and the Mermaid.
How’s your Twitter engagement working out for you? Get some advice about engaging on Twitter from Justin McGill.
Recommended Resources
In a recent Medium article, Kent Beck, recommended by Ron Lichty shares his ideas about scaling collaborative programming with Limbo.
Marianna Grossman just announced that Minerva Ventures will be holding the California Adaptation Forum in August and the Global Climate Action Summit in September. Kimberly Wiefling spoke of Marianna in her interview.
Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.