Future Thinking, Brave Comedy, Endless Clients, and More in Process Hacker News

Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your weekly roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This week we’ve got future thinking, brave comedy, endless clients, and more.

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On June 18 and 19 in Oakland, California, you can catch Andrew Nance presenting a workshop on Mindful Arts in the Classroom at Inventing Our Future.

The Scrappy Design Thinking Workshop in San Francisco on June 22 isn’t just about design thinking. Kimberly Wiefling helps you approach challenges by “thinking from the future” instead of dealing with issues from a problem-centered perspective.

Laugh the night away with Sarah Cooper and Nikki MacCallum in another round of You’re So Brave at Poco in New York City on June 27.


Learn how to speak the right language, choose the right words, and refine your message to attract your ideal clients on the newest episode of the $100 MBA Show with Omar Zenhom.

Abdo Riani, founder of StartupCircle, reveals how he bootstrapped his virtual summit in a conversation with Tom Morkes on the In the Trenches Podcast.

There is a difference between being agile and doing agile, as explained by Ron Lichty on the Agile Clips Podcast.


Never run out of clients by building a pipeline of freelance leads. Try out these tips by Ryan Waggoner.

In a new blog post, Ricky Yean compares college to Silicon Valley, and explains how the next Silicon Valley is now happening online

Recommended Resources

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is an entrepreneur who has motivated many, including Barth Getto, Jason Hsiao, and Ricky Yean. Jeff’s three keys to business success are dissected and explained in a new article on Farnam Street.

In a New York Magazine interview Elizabeth Gilbert reveals that she attended The Artist’s Way Course by Julia Cameron, an author who was recommended by Loic Le Meur, Jay Wong, and Heather Chauvin. Elizabeth’s book, Eat, Pray, Love, touched the lives of Tara Byrne and Jenny Feinberg.

Tristan Kromer, who was referenced by Rich Mironov, has a new article about how both fear and sandboxes, where creators can freely experiment, are essential to innovation at startups.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. If you liked what you saw, please leave a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking.

Published by M. David Green

The host of Hack the Process, M. David Green is a writer and agile coach.

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