Bill Schaninger Takes Companies Beyond Performance on Hack the Process Podcast

Companies and careers can both follow very different paths depending on the factors that motivate them. But according to Bill Schaninger, co-author of Beyond Performance 2.0, if all we track are short-term performance wins, we’re not setting ourselves up for sustainable health, and he has decades of research to back that up. In this episode… Continue reading Bill Schaninger Takes Companies Beyond Performance on Hack the Process Podcast

Dr. Kami Anderson and Dr. Joy Wiggins Take Feminism From Sabotage to Support on Hack the Process Podcast

Sometimes you need to name a phenomenon before people can admit that it’s real. That’s how Dr. Joy Wiggins and Dr. Kami Anderson approached the challenge of writing “From Sabotage to Support,” a book about how women of all backgrounds sometimes sabotage each other in the workplace, and how recognizing this reality can help them… Continue reading Dr. Kami Anderson and Dr. Joy Wiggins Take Feminism From Sabotage to Support on Hack the Process Podcast

Christian Terwiesch Strategizes Around Continuous Customer Relationships on Hack the Process Podcast

Can modern businesses learn to leverage the fact that we’re all constantly connected through our computers, phones, and smart devices to build long-term relationships with their customers? Christian Terweisch and his co-author have a new book, Connected Strategy, which explores the opportunities and tradeoffs of some of the different approaches companies are trying, and where… Continue reading Christian Terwiesch Strategizes Around Continuous Customer Relationships on Hack the Process Podcast