I knew the pathfinding class I signed up for would be worth it. The class was led by Pace Smith, and structured as three weekly webinars, along with a series of homework assignments, a daily meditation, and weekly meetings with different assignment buddies to help us coach ourselves through the process.
The assignment buddies were the part I thought was going to be most difficult. The class materials were about very tender subjects, and honestly I was feeling a little bit shy already just about having signed up in the first place. But I was amazed, when I met the other people I was paired to speak with to complete the assignments, how much my story resonated with theirs.
For example, one of the people I spoke with was also a holistic massage therapist, and had had experience with both vibrational energy healing and Touch for Health. Another person was also a podcaster, and her experiences with lining up guests and publishing episodes give me more confidence about my own abilities to the same.
The final coaching session with Pace was really the crowning jewel of the process. It was such a delight to speak to her and get her insights. She was able to draw out of me the realization that my own difficulties point out the path I can follow to help myself and others. It wasn’t something I hadn’t heard before, but it was as if I hadn’t really been listening until I heard myself say it to her during our talk.
I think I’m going to want to have her as a guest on my podcast once I get it going. That prospect makes the process seem a lot more approachable.