Teaching Mindfulness to Change the Legal System with Rhonda Magee on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 21

Mindfulness might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of law school, but University of San Francisco Professor Rhonda Magee makes a compelling case for connecting the two. Rhonda believes mindfulness training for law students may be able to help the legal profession overcome a history of systemic bias, and raise awareness of the fundamental values that were always meant to be at the core of our legal system. In this episode, Rhonda will take us through a short mindfulness exercise that can fit into any busy schedule, and share the story of how she translated the religious contemplation she learned from her grandmother into a secular practice that she uses to help herself and her students stay grounded and focused.

Find Rhonda Online

Biography: https://www.usfca.edu/law/faculty/rhonda-magee

Papers: https://works.bepress.com/rhonda_magee/

Articles: http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/author/Rhonda_Magee

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rvmagee

Resources Rhonda Mentioned

Norman Fischer: http://www.normanfischer.org/

Everyday Zen: http://everydayzen.org/

San Francisco Zen Center: http://sfzc.org/

Jon Kabat-Zinn: http://www.mindfulnesscds.com/

Saki Santorelli: http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/about-us/people/2-meet-our-faculty/santorelli-saki/

Center for Mindfulness – University of Massachusetts: http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/

Oasis Institute: http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/training/

Carnegie Foundation: http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/

Scott Rogers: http://scottrogers.com/

Published by M. David Green

The host of Hack the Process, M. David Green is a writer and agile coach.